Category: DocImages

National Parks of Finland ‑multimedia

National Parks of Finland ‑multimedia

A friend and colleague of mine Tea Karvinen, contacted me about a year ago and said she needed a bit of help with turning her images into a multi­media presen­tation of some kind. We go back a long way, we both used to work for Ilta-Sanomat and did e.g. Salt Lake City Olympics together 2002. She had spent six years … 

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Three Illustrators

Three Illustrators

I promised couple of weeks ago that I show some things which have been keeping me busy — and thus away from this blog — so here is another one. It is one of the most memorable assign­ments this year, a series of three small portraits I did for Kuvit­tajat RY (Finnish Illustrators). Every two years they award their … 

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Kolme strategiaa medialle

Kolme strategiaa medialle

Janne Zareff kirjoittaa viimei­sessä Journa­listin kolum­nissaan, että verotus­pää­tökset eivät ratkaise ammat­ti­jour­na­lismin ongelmia. Ongelmat ratkaistaan sillä, että tarjotaan jotain sellaista, mistä jatkos­sakin yleisö on valmis maksamaan. Hän toteaa kylmän viileästi ja täysin oikein, että ammati­jour­na­lismin olemas­saolo ei ole itses­tään­selvyys, vaan että se on yksin­ker­tai­sesti ilmiö, joka on syntynyt tietyn­lai­sessa histo­rial­li­sessa tilan­teessa. Toisen­lai­sessa histo­rial­li­sessa tilan­teessa sen olemas­saolo voi loppua. … 

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Multimedia Workshop

Multimedia Workshop

I just finished an intensive of multi­media story­telling in Aalto last week. Doing it inten­sively (i.e. 6–8 hours close contact, every day) really wears you out. Trying to stay “fresh” yourself, i.e. not fall into routines, and all the time trying to find out what it is this time you really think students would appreciate and benefit … 

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Workshops and teaching

Workshops and teaching

One of the reasons I have been quiet in this blog has been my rather serious commitment to teaching, which leaves very little time for anything else. Last semester I taught in Lahti University of Applied Sciences (photo­graphy / video editing / multi­media) and Aalto ARTS University in Helsinki (multi­media). In addition I was doing some one-on-one teaching and attended … 

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Congratulations, Heli!

Congratulations, Heli!

I’ve written about this multi­media piece couple of times earlier. But please bear with me one more time. Today I had the honor of receiving the Multi­media of the Year 2013 Award (Suomen Lehti­ku­vaajat / Finnish Pressp­ho­to­graphers Association) together with Heli Kaskinen in Helsinki for DocImages. My role in this production was simply to act as a mentor … 

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From Disruption to Multimedia

From Disruption to Multimedia

This is one theme I have been talking about a lot lately. Earlier this summer I spoke about this in Nordic Freelance 2013 seminar, now last monday I spoke about it in Tallinn, Estonia. I just thought I summarize the outline of my thinking here. In case somebody might find it useful… Or someone might want to disagree? The argument I am … 

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Kind of Happiness

Kind of Happiness

(Click this or the image to enter the multi­media) The latest multi­media piece of DocImages is now out. Yes, I am biased — naturally — as I acted as the executive producer… But the work of Saara Mansik­kamäki and Niclas Mäkelä is worth watching. It is an experi­mental piece (with its weaknesses of which we are fully aware…), but … 

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Regards, Terhi

Regards, Terhi

(Click the image to see the work) The public discussion on bullying has been active during the past weeks. Aamulehti published on a cover of their Sunday edition a letter of an 8‑year old, who is being bullied in school. A very touching letter. Some cynics have questioned the authen­ticity of the letter. I understand this also to be a defense mechanism to … 

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