About the Author

About the Author


Profes­sional photo­grapher, based in Porvoo, Finland. Specialist in sports photo­graphy, multi­media / visual story­telling in the web / UX design.

Academic background in linguistics (L2-theory), cognitive science and psychology. MA in the University of Helsinki.

Postgrad studies in psycho­lin­guistics and neuroscience, postgrad work in the University of Technology, Brain Research Unit.

More or less fluent in several languages, including English, French, Swedish, Italian, etc.

Profes­sional photo­grapher since 1987, full-time since 1999. Specia­lizing in sports and multi­media; recent assign­ments eg. the past seven olympic games, numerous World Cup’s, European and World Championships in skating, hockey, athletics,skiing, etc.

Interested in data visua­li­sation, interactive graphics, visual story­telling in the web as well as all things human and issues relating to psychology.

2021 onwards in charge of photo­graphy teaching in Kymen Opisto, a small, independent art school near the town of Kotka in Eastern Finland. Mission: to make it the best photo­graphy school in the country.


Awarded twice the best sports image of the year and once the best of news design in Scandi­navia (photo­graphy)

Finnfoto Award 2012.

Finnish Athletics Federation Journalism Award 2013.

Multi­media of the Year 2013 (as a producer for DocImages, Finnish Pressp­ho­to­graphers Ass.)

Work in video, multi­media, panoramic images and UX-desing. Teaching and consulting (e.g. multi­media and video editing, panoramic work, etc.) for clients of different needs and backgrounds.


University of Tampere 2008–2011, teaching multi­media and sports photography.

Since 2012 teaching in Lahti University of Applied Sciences (LAMK/Lahden Muotoi­luins­ti­tuutti) and Taik/Aalto University (Taide­teol­linen Korkea­koulu), teaching photo­graphy, multi­media, visual story­telling, audio and video.

Numerous conferences/keynote presen­ta­tions in e.g. Finland, Denmark, Estonia and Norway.

Founder and the executive producer in DocImages multi­media production.

More personal/artistic writings and musings published in Medium.

Interests: multi­media and the future of the media in general.

Personal interests: sailing, kayaking, skiing, diving, outdoor in general.

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