Category: aerial

Arvokas Metsämme

Arvokas Metsämme

One aspect of being independent freelancer has always been a bit of a soft spot for me. It is working alone. Thus every oppor­tunity to work together with a profes­sional, solid team is a blessing which I enjoy very much. Some time ago, actually two years ago already, Petteri Saario – one of our most highly respected award winning nature documen­ta­rists – and … 

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360° Aerial Photography

360° Aerial Photography

We are doing an interesting project in Lahti (LAMK a.k.a Lahti University of Applied Sciences), where we were assigned to shoot some video footage and stills images on our local outdoor possi­bi­lities. The client did not ask for it, but I volun­teered to shoot some 360° stills as well — I figured that since we already were on … 

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Swedish Brainfart

Swedish Brainfart

Sorry about the title. I really tried to come up with something more politically correct, but I just couldn’t. So ridiculous was the ruling of the Swedish highest court (Högsta Förvalt­nings­doms­tolen) last Friday. If you speak the language, take a look, it is pretty short reading. And it is really, really scary. Basically it states that a drone (UAS) with a camera … 

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