Category: Canon

Teaching Sports Photography

Teaching Sports Photography

I stopped my own career as a sports photo­grapher in Sotchi about five years ago… reasons being many, but the most important one probably that I saw the end of profes­sional sports photo­graphy in the nearby horizon and I wanted to concentrate on the life and things coming after that. And it has been truly interesting a ride — more … 

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Moscow 2013 Track and Field WC

Moscow 2013 Track and Field WC

What a great summer behind me (read: six weeks of sailing and over 1000NM on the Baltic…) — and it is time to return to work. Track and Field (IAAF) world championships in Moscow have been going on now for couple of days and some more days yet to come. Looking forward to the fall- as I anticipate lots … 

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Two Hills Tournament…

Two Hills Tournament…

As you might know, it is called Four Hills Tournament (Vierschanzen­tournee)… but to me it became only two. Finland has been doing a record low — yesterday three out of four jumpers left for Finland because of their poor perfor­mance. Kind of discou­raging… and not much to do as a photo­grapher for the rest of the tour. The … 

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Multimedia: The Independence Reception 2012

Multimedia: The Independence Reception 2012

(Click here to see the multi­media) It is the most important social happening of the year — as a social event, you could say it is sort of our Academy Awards. It is also the most viewed TV-program of the year. I’ve covered the event several times — yes, you might argue that it goes into the … 

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The Default Skating Image

The Default Skating Image

I was shooting skating during this weekend. Finlandia Trophy, the opening of winters­ports season for me. As I posted couple of images in the FB, I got into an argument — no, call it “fruitful exchange of ideas” — which I thought merits more discussion. Basically, my friend argued that the image I posted “did not portray they quality … 

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Olympics, Day 6: Fencing, Sailing…

Olympics, Day 6: Fencing, Sailing…

Half way thru the games. Been busy, being the only photo­grapher for my client means I am really pushing it. Which also explains why I have been very quiet in this blog as well — there just is no extra time. Work intended to the client(s) and simply getting around from venue to venue in the London … 

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London Calling

London Calling

As always: packing left for the last day. Thank God this is summer games, so it is basically shorts and t‑shirts … and heavy rain gear — if it were winter it would be full skiing stuff, crampons, plus things to keep you warm and dry down to — 30°C. Cameras are simple: two working bodies … 

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Playing with New Toys: EOS 1D‑X and EOS 5Dmrk3

Playing with New Toys: EOS 1D‑X and EOS 5Dmrk3

During the past couple of weeks I have been playing with new toys — or tools, more like it. Canon Finland was kind enough to lend me the new EOS 1DX and the 5Dmrk3 to play with for couple of days. No, this is not a test, just simple first impressions.

Ski Jumping: Four Hills Tournament 2011–2012

Ski Jumping: Four Hills Tournament 2011–2012

Just a brief post to show that I actually do work for a living… Covering the “Vierschanzen­tournee” — or as it is called in English, the Four Hills Tournament. I did the Oberstdorf already two days ago and just finished the Garmish-Parten­­kirchen competition.