Category: Documentary

The Original Sin of Photography

The Original Sin of Photography

(Origi­nally published in MEDIUM) No. It was not Photoshop, nor going digital. Not iPhone, nor touch devices in general. And it was no apple from a tree someone ate a long time ago. But there was a definite, decisive moment. It was the moment we turned the camera from the world into ourselves. When we lost the curiosity and … 

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Arvokas Metsämme

Arvokas Metsämme

One aspect of being independent freelancer has always been a bit of a soft spot for me. It is working alone. Thus every oppor­tunity to work together with a profes­sional, solid team is a blessing which I enjoy very much. Some time ago, actually two years ago already, Petteri Saario – one of our most highly respected award winning nature documen­ta­rists – and … 

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La Mia Stanza

La Mia Stanza

I was teaching the other day in Lahti (Video and Sound 101), looking for a good example for my students and I came to think of this. It is a small, simple homework I assigned in Aalto University last year, where I asked the students to come up with a thema­tically coherent story of some kind, maybe tell something about themselves so … 

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National Parks of Finland ‑multimedia

National Parks of Finland ‑multimedia

A friend and colleague of mine Tea Karvinen, contacted me about a year ago and said she needed a bit of help with turning her images into a multi­media presen­tation of some kind. We go back a long way, we both used to work for Ilta-Sanomat and did e.g. Salt Lake City Olympics together 2002. She had spent six years … 

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Outcastes — a Multimedia

Outcastes — a Multimedia

My wife looked over my shoulder when I was doing the last bits of editing yesterday. “This is the most impressive thing you’ve done in multi­media”, she said. Now talk about a compliment. And not that I agree… but I have to admit, I am proud of it. Sure, the next thing will be better — as it always should be. But meanwhile: … 

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Workshops and teaching

Workshops and teaching

One of the reasons I have been quiet in this blog has been my rather serious commitment to teaching, which leaves very little time for anything else. Last semester I taught in Lahti University of Applied Sciences (photo­graphy / video editing / multi­media) and Aalto ARTS University in Helsinki (multi­media). In addition I was doing some one-on-one teaching and attended … 

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Congratulations, Heli!

Congratulations, Heli!

I’ve written about this multi­media piece couple of times earlier. But please bear with me one more time. Today I had the honor of receiving the Multi­media of the Year 2013 Award (Suomen Lehti­ku­vaajat / Finnish Pressp­ho­to­graphers Association) together with Heli Kaskinen in Helsinki for DocImages. My role in this production was simply to act as a mentor … 

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Kind of Happiness

Kind of Happiness

(Click this or the image to enter the multi­media) The latest multi­media piece of DocImages is now out. Yes, I am biased — naturally — as I acted as the executive producer… But the work of Saara Mansik­kamäki and Niclas Mäkelä is worth watching. It is an experi­mental piece (with its weaknesses of which we are fully aware…), but … 

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Seppo Saves — Multimedia

Seppo Saves — Multimedia

(Click image to see the multi­media) This is something I have spent the last two weeks working with (in post-production) and finally it is ready to see the light of day. And I am pretty darn proud of it. It is a chapter in our multi­media series called “Photo­graphy Legends” — and it portrays the legendary photo­jour­nalist Seppo Saves … 

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