Category: Ideas and Opinions

The Original Sin of Photography

The Original Sin of Photography

(Origi­nally published in MEDIUM) No. It was not Photoshop, nor going digital. Not iPhone, nor touch devices in general. And it was no apple from a tree someone ate a long time ago. But there was a definite, decisive moment. It was the moment we turned the camera from the world into ourselves. When we lost the curiosity and … 

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Epilogue to Homeless — Poste Restante

Epilogue to Homeless — Poste Restante

Sometimes images just haunt you. Words likewise. This morning I am hauted by both of them. I can’t touch you, but your words touch me like petals from abandoned flowers blown forgotten to the wind, a laugh lived but once, given life and gentle death, gone, but held forever, as the leaves turn gold falling, like we always fall. (The brilliant image is … 

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Anatomy of a Good Documentary

Anatomy of a Good Documentary

Spring for me means intensive teaching. Presently doing Video 101 for photo­graphers in LAMK (Lahti University of Applied Sciences). As always, enjoying it immensely. I asked the students in three words describe what they feel is essential in a good film / documentary. And to make things more interesting: one word had to be a noun, one an adjective and … 

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Kolme strategiaa medialle

Kolme strategiaa medialle

Janne Zareff kirjoittaa viimei­sessä Journa­listin kolum­nissaan, että verotus­pää­tökset eivät ratkaise ammat­ti­jour­na­lismin ongelmia. Ongelmat ratkaistaan sillä, että tarjotaan jotain sellaista, mistä jatkos­sakin yleisö on valmis maksamaan. Hän toteaa kylmän viileästi ja täysin oikein, että ammati­jour­na­lismin olemas­saolo ei ole itses­tään­selvyys, vaan että se on yksin­ker­tai­sesti ilmiö, joka on syntynyt tietyn­lai­sessa histo­rial­li­sessa tilan­teessa. Toisen­lai­sessa histo­rial­li­sessa tilan­teessa sen olemas­saolo voi loppua. … 

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Congratulations, Heli!

Congratulations, Heli!

I’ve written about this multi­media piece couple of times earlier. But please bear with me one more time. Today I had the honor of receiving the Multi­media of the Year 2013 Award (Suomen Lehti­ku­vaajat / Finnish Pressp­ho­to­graphers Association) together with Heli Kaskinen in Helsinki for DocImages. My role in this production was simply to act as a mentor … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 18: Wrapping Up for the iPad

Sochi Olympics, Day 18: Wrapping Up for the iPad

Feb. 23rd, 2014 I started writing my blog from Sochi when opening ceremony was going on in Adler. There is some symmetry in the fact that I am writing this last chapter (from here) as the fireworks light the sky during the closing ceremonies. This was my seventh Olympics and I simply love doing them. For numerous reasons. … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 5: Emotions and Aesthetics

Sochi Olympics, Day 5: Emotions and Aesthetics

Feb. 10th, 2014 Writing the headline I am losing count on the days… But been here a week now and I think I will be falling into this routine of posting every second day. At least I try to do it, we’ll see what happens. I have covered Xcountry, ski jumping and biathlon so far. I would love to do snowboarding, alpine and skating … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 1

Sochi Olympics, Day 1

Feb 6th, 2014 The Sochi 2014 opening ceremony just started and I am watching it on TV. No, I did not go to the ceremony, it would have meant probably c. 10 hours including all the travelling, waiting and actual ceremony included. Yesterday was a total killer and I preferred to take it easy today. Funny, working seven hours today … 

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Digital Indie Publishing

Digital Indie Publishing

Some of you might have noticed the thing we did in DocImages couple of days ago. Well, if you didn’t, here’s a short recap. (And here is an article I wrote in Finnish in our blog) I am getting sick and tired of the ever tightening legacy print death spiral and especially frustrated with their total lack of … 

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