Category: Interface

Arvokas Metsämme

Arvokas Metsämme

One aspect of being independent freelancer has always been a bit of a soft spot for me. It is working alone. Thus every oppor­tunity to work together with a profes­sional, solid team is a blessing which I enjoy very much. Some time ago, actually two years ago already, Petteri Saario – one of our most highly respected award winning nature documen­ta­rists – and … 

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Digital Indie Publishing

Digital Indie Publishing

Some of you might have noticed the thing we did in DocImages couple of days ago. Well, if you didn’t, here’s a short recap. (And here is an article I wrote in Finnish in our blog) I am getting sick and tired of the ever tightening legacy print death spiral and especially frustrated with their total lack of … 

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Shooting 360°x180° Images — from a Helicopter

Shooting 360°x180° Images — from a Helicopter

This is a small demo. Please note: this works (properly) only with HTML5 compliant browser — such as Safari on a Mac. It works on iPad2 (i.e. Mobile Safari) but it does NOT work with iPad 1st gen. nor iPhone (except — I was told — it does work with iPhone 4S) — due to non-optimized media and subsequently high processing load. Thats’ … 

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A Walk On the Memory Lane: Rock Summer 1988

A Walk On the Memory Lane: Rock Summer 1988

This is not brilliant, far from it — but it is different, I dare say. Something I did now in the spring and finally I thought it is time to show it. Show that there are options — that it is not that hard to do something this simple, yet totally different. That there are possi­bi­lities outside the … 

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Too Many Interfaces…?

Too Many Interfaces…?

That actually was my desktop this morning. My shoulder is killing me — had an operation about 2 weeks ago, presently I can be referred to as the “Titanium Edition” due to the spare parts screwed to my shoulder — and the fact that my hand moves BUT DOES NOT MOVE ENOUGH is driving me nuts. There are images to … 

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A New Era of Book Publishing

A New Era of Book Publishing

When it comes to multi­media, I am pretty hard to impress — since while trying to learn the basics myself, I have seen some great things being created around the world. Amazing approaches, beautiful content. Yet… Today I was blown away. Reason? This TED-talk by Mike Matas, describing a book they came up with. The book is called Our Choice by … 

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Photography Legends — Multimedia Approach

Photography Legends — Multimedia Approach

This is my first attempt on something that I have been planning to do for a while. A multi­media series of photo­graphers, legends of their own time and era… Pictures and stories behind them. Told by the photo­graphers themselves. I will try to make this into a series — would be pretty impressive to make a series of say 20–30 …

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iPad — The Future of Our Journalism?

iPad — The Future of Our Journalism?

This is sort of an anniversary article: I wrote about the iPad about a year ago for the first time. A the time, nobody new what it would be called: iTablet, iSlate… No tech specs available, just rumors. I immediately said — then — that this would change world as we know it. We, the journa­lists. IPad got launched … 

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Canon WFT and Eye-Fi — together with iPhone and iPad

Canon WFT and Eye-Fi — together with iPhone and iPad

I’ve had couple of emails asking for more infor­mation on my previous post, so here we go. Been testing different scenarios, different network and workflow confi­gu­ra­tions… and I have to say, I really like this. When I compared it to a toilet in train in my previous post, somebody asked did I have to look for the train for a long time… :-) True, … 

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