Category: Kayak

When it is time to lay down your paddle

When it is time to lay down your paddle

This is a project I have been working on for some time now. It is very personal and one of the most important – if not the most important piece of work I’ve ever done. I have enjoyed tremen­dously doing it and I am proud of the result, I think we did well. At the same time, happiness is not the feeling … 

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Playing with Snapseed

Playing with Snapseed

I’ve never used Instagram. I know I should have… but just never got to do it. The closest I’ve ever got is a program called Snapseed, which produces (I think) quite similar results. I started using it in the summer when kayaking and sailing when I did not always have a laptop with me. Besides, I spend so much time infront of … 

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GoPro and the iPad App

GoPro and the iPad App

Something totally technical (somebody could say just nerdy) for a change: GoPro came up with their long awaited iPhone/iPad app couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t get it to work (not that I tried that much…); but today I noticed something they posted on Twitter and decided to give it another try. Updated my three GoPro Hero2’s with Cineform Studio … 

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Olympics, Day 15: Images, images…

Olympics, Day 15: Images, images…

… just to prove that I have been keeping busy. These games have not been a real streak of victory for Finland — we have gotten two medals, both from sailing and we basically have potential for one, two more tonight in the men’s javelin. I’ve been working in London, so unfor­tu­nately no great images from Weymouth. … 

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Olympics, Day 10: Size does not matter…

Olympics, Day 10: Size does not matter…

Days just fly by. Covered wrestling the other day, yesterday did kayak for the first time — I will be doing that now for several days towards the end of the week. Finland got the first medal yesterday (windsurfing), but as it was in Weymouth I was not shooting it. Bummer… Friend of mine sent me a real … 

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Shooting from a Kayak

Shooting from a Kayak

So what does a photo­grapher do when he is on vacation? Naturally: plays with cameras, what did you think? This summer has been very different in many respects — much less sailing for starters as usual (due to Helsinki EC in Athletics first and now the London Olympics starting next week) — and unfor­tu­nately more funerals than … 

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