Category: MediaStorm

Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics

You’re awfully quiet lately” a friend of mine asked me the other day. True, have not been writing anything for a long time. I did the Tour de Ski early January and was scheduled to do the EC of skating, but Kiira got an injury in her leg and that was the end of that. Thus: I was … 

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On the Ethics of Journalism

On the Ethics of Journalism

I had the honor of seeing this piece couple of weeks ago in a screening in New York. I think it is a great piece, absolutely worth your time. But before you watch it, please make sure you read this accom­pa­nying essay by Eric Maierson, the producer of this particular piece. Trust me, read it first. It is long, … 

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Do you leave a shadow when you are dead?

Do you leave a shadow when you are dead?

Dad — do you leave a shadow when you are dead?” asked my six-year old daughter last summer. And I was blown away with the question. Seriusly, what an incre­dible question to hear from a six-year old. You have to see it in the context: late August, sun setting as we walk back to the house her hand in mine … 

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