Category: Photography Legends

When it is time to lay down your paddle

When it is time to lay down your paddle

This is a project I have been working on for some time now. It is very personal and one of the most important – if not the most important piece of work I’ve ever done. I have enjoyed tremen­dously doing it and I am proud of the result, I think we did well. At the same time, happiness is not the feeling … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 5: Emotions and Aesthetics

Sochi Olympics, Day 5: Emotions and Aesthetics

Feb. 10th, 2014 Writing the headline I am losing count on the days… But been here a week now and I think I will be falling into this routine of posting every second day. At least I try to do it, we’ll see what happens. I have covered Xcountry, ski jumping and biathlon so far. I would love to do snowboarding, alpine and skating … 

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Seppo Saves — Multimedia

Seppo Saves — Multimedia

(Click image to see the multi­media) This is something I have spent the last two weeks working with (in post-production) and finally it is ready to see the light of day. And I am pretty darn proud of it. It is a chapter in our multi­media series called “Photo­graphy Legends” — and it portrays the legendary photo­jour­nalist Seppo Saves … 

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