Category: Photography



Opettaessani sanon usein, että Light­roomin kunnol­linen haltuunotto on paras sijoitus, mitä valoku­vaaja voi itselleen ja työlleen tehdä. Olen opettanut useissa eri paikoissa ja törmännyt jatku­vasti samaan ongelmaan kuvaa­jilla, oli kyse sitten amatöö­reistä tai ammat­ti­lai­sista: ymmärrys työnkulun sujuvuu­desta ja merki­tyk­sestä proses­sissa ontuu pahasti. Ihmiset kuvaavat välillä jpg:tä, välillä RAW:ta, nimeävät kuvat miten sattuu ja tallen­tavat lähim­mälle koneessa kiinni … 

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Sielunmaisema” – exhibition until September 22, 2022

Sielunmaisema” – exhibition until September 22, 2022

In my previous post I talked a bit about my students. The class of spring 2022 was very intense and special… and when the semester ended, everyone felt like it came to an end too soon. So within two weeks they had decided that they would do a small exhibition in the fall and had even reserved a venue for it. They needed … 

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Tribute to the students of 2021–22

Tribute to the students of 2021–22

For a long time I have wanted to share some moments of my past year — as it has been one incre­dible journey and I have enjoyed it so much. But I have not found the words to do so. Then one of my students from the spring semester posted this. Shot and edited by the super talented Ville Sakki from … 

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Starting to Write Again

Starting to Write Again

 Something I have been thinking for a while now, but never got to it. Seemed like there was always something on the way. But now I feel time has come to do it and I decided to reactivate my writing again. I finished my active pressp­ho­to­graphy career already several years ago (after Sotchi Olympics it was clear that an … 

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Information Design

Information Design

I’ve been trying to understand — like all of us I suppose — what is the thing we are going thru with this all embracing pandemic. What is the best course of action, where do I stand in this. Not that my opinion really matters, but in principle: as indivi­duals I think we should stay as informed as possible … 

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The Original Sin of Photography

The Original Sin of Photography

(Origi­nally published in MEDIUM) No. It was not Photoshop, nor going digital. Not iPhone, nor touch devices in general. And it was no apple from a tree someone ate a long time ago. But there was a definite, decisive moment. It was the moment we turned the camera from the world into ourselves. When we lost the curiosity and … 

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Arvokas Metsämme

Arvokas Metsämme

One aspect of being independent freelancer has always been a bit of a soft spot for me. It is working alone. Thus every oppor­tunity to work together with a profes­sional, solid team is a blessing which I enjoy very much. Some time ago, actually two years ago already, Petteri Saario – one of our most highly respected award winning nature documen­ta­rists – and … 

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Princess Sophie Diaries

Princess Sophie Diaries

A project I started about ten years ago… and almost immediately abandoned as flash became obsolete and HTML5 was still in its infancy. But. Things have changed and I thought it would be a good time to rekindle this one. I was changing ISP the other day and on the server I found a folder full of panoramas I had shot years ago. So … 

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Vedenneito Revisited

Vedenneito Revisited

Three years ago my friend, documen­tarist Petteri Saario (DocArt) approached me with an idea. There was a pitching compe­tition by SES and AVEK (Finnish Film Foundation and Promotion Center for Audio­visual Culture) looking for new forms of visual story­telling for children and he suggested we work on it together. 26 pitches were presented and four approaches were selected for final … 

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