Category: Sound

Multimedia: The Independence Reception 2012

Multimedia: The Independence Reception 2012

(Click here to see the multi­media) It is the most important social happening of the year — as a social event, you could say it is sort of our Academy Awards. It is also the most viewed TV-program of the year. I’ve covered the event several times — yes, you might argue that it goes into the … 

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Canon EOS 1D mrk4: First Impressions

Canon EOS 1D mrk4: First Impressions

First, let me underline: this is not a test. I got to play around with the latest Canon flagship for c. 48 hours over the weekend. Shots some stills (about a thousand or so), shot some video (c. 30 min), played around with the settings, trying to figure out if this is such a great camera everybody is buzzing … 

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Creating a Multimedia Interface

Creating a Multimedia Interface

I have been working on this for weeks now — and finally it is opera­tional. And that’s good news, really good news and very important to me. But the bad news (well, not really bad, but annoying): the project I used for creating this is sent to a client for evaluation and I cannot show it at this stage … 

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