Category: World Championships

Look, I have a Life!

Look, I have a Life!

The other day I was shooting (along c. 200 other photo­graphers) when Usain Bolt — yet again — won the WC in 100m in Moscow. And then did his compulsory round around the stadium. Something caught my eye. Right on the track there was this young kid taking pictures of himself with Bolt on the background. Watching … 

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F 5.6 in Helsinki (Tuesday 4.9. at 19.00)

F 5.6 in Helsinki (Tuesday 4.9. at 19.00)

UPDATED 5.9.2012: My sincerest thanks to everybody who attended. Thank you for your patience (we stayed talking until eleven or so :-)), keen eyes, good questions. It is so rewarding talking to people about something you care about and seeing the appreciation of your passion shared. You were a great audience, I really had a good time last night. … 

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Sports Photography: Win some, Lose some — Sometimes it Rains…

Sports Photography: Win some, Lose some — Sometimes it Rains…

(Update 30th Aug.: click to see a small (iPad compa­tible) gallery. Will be updated daily.) If I remember correctly that was Kevin Costner in “Field of Dreams” describing baseball… Well, profes­sional sports photo­graphy is like that as well. You really push hard — or don’t do it, but then you will be history pretty fast in this field… … 

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