Midway through the Four Hills Tournament
(Updates on Canon EOS 1Dmrk4 on an earlier post . Updated 6th Jan 2010)
I usually do not show tearsheets. But I’ll make an exception, as I think guys back home (seriously understaffed) have done a good job. So thank you guys. It’s half way through the tournament and this is what I have come up with so far:
But, still Insbruck and Bishcofshofen to go. So back to work.
Again, to prove I DO have a life: yesterday I did some serious testing. No, not mrk4 this time, but Black Diamond Cult 167 withDynafit TLT FT 12 . Now, what on earth are those?

They are ultra-light skies with carbon-fibre randonnee bindings. Less than three kilos, feel like a pair of XC-skies when you pick them up.
When doing lots of the stuff I do (including shooting alpine skiing) I have to move on the mountain and in the slopes. As weight is of the essence (flying over, hiking and carrying equipment), I got myself these. Combined with Scarpa’s randonee boots (rubber sole, good for walking and working on the slopes) they really make a difference. I also had my boots lined with custom molded gel-filled inner lining (recommendation of for instance Janne Lahtela and the freestyle guys) — and boy, do they feel good. I had an snowboard accident some years ago and as a result, I have had a big part of my muscles in the sole of my left foot removed surgically. So finding a comfortable boot has always been a (literally) major pain.
But takes lots of getting used to turning radius of 23m when one is used to more like 15–17 m range. Also, they are not the most widest ski (100–70-88) in the market. Several turns my leaning was going one way and the outer ski continued the other way… ;-)
This means: lots of skiing practise before heading to Vancouver and Whistler in February. As well as gym, working on knees (I have had injuries in both knees along the way — last one now in the spring on the left one, and the muscles are not in the shape they should be). As you see, it is not only athletes who train for the olympics… ;-)
Maybe I take this too seriously?
One Reply to “Midway through the Four Hills Tournament”
Kyllä on taas hienoja kuvia! “Maybe I take this too seriously?” No you dont… :)