Online Journalism as it Should Be

Online Journalism as it Should Be

Bombay Flying Club
Click image to enter Bombay Flying Club

The title is not totally my own: I am quoting Bombay Flying Club, an extremely fine multi­media studio in Denmark: “Online journalism as it could be” states their opening page.

I had thought that I publish this at some later point, but I changed my mind yesterday after seeing the healines of our national rags: 18-year old kid dies in a car crash and the most essential thing found for the headlines is: “The victim did not finish her job in the company of the former olympic athlete”. Seriously, what are they thinking?

Or in a more inter­na­tional scale: the AP’s Julie Jacob­son’s account called the Death of a Marine: A photo­grap­her’s journal. Interesting story, fine images, but EFFECTS in the audio? Random gunfighting effects “out the can” as we say (at least so it sounds — judge for yourself).

Call me old-fashioned, but if it is news, I’d assume that images and sound are authentic, not taken out of some image- or soundlibrary.

Therefore, it is a great pleasure when one sees real, true and genuinely innovative journa­listic work presented. The Bombay Flying Club is a fine example. See, for instance The Afgan Diaries. Best multi­media work I have seen for a long time — if ever. “Online journalism as it could be” — the title is totally justified.

Click image to enter MediaStorm

I post this because those who know me also know that I have a passion for innovative multi­media. Let me give another tip, another fine production house to follow: MediaStorm. Totally different scale of a company (BFC is a three man band whereas MediaStorm has extensive staff and is sponsored by the — and somewhat different approach. Definitely more established and lately not so innovative — but some fine work. I add the links to the sidebar, they are worth following up if you’re interested.

There is so much talk about the crisis of our field, how journalism, and especially the print is dying, etc. But on the other hand, the tools for making real audio­visual impact have never been better or more accesible. Limitless audiences at the touch of the keyboard — if your message stands out from the mainstream of visual carbage thrown at our face.

Maybe we should see the present situation as a challenge, an oppor­tunity for change instead of a threat?

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