Outcastes — a Multimedia
My wife looked over my shoulder when I was doing the last bits of editing yesterday. “This is the most impressive thing you’ve done in multimedia”, she said. Now talk about a compliment. And not that I agree… but I have to admit, I am proud of it.
Sure, the next thing will be better — as it always should be. But meanwhile: explore this one, it is worth your time, I dare say.
It’s been a great privilege to work together with the award winning travel photographer Tim Bird. We’ve known each other something like thirty years back and after we in DocImages published the “Tervetuloa pahan valtakuntaan” by Arttu Muukkonen on iPad from Iran, Tim contacted me.
He told me about the village he had been documenting for years now, where the people are “outcastes” i.e. they do not belong to any cast — although the caste system officially does not even exist. These people are also sometimes referred to as the “untouchables”.
The village he was documenting was totally “untouchable” — people leading simple, rural life. And while the living conditions could only be described as harsh, poor and very demanding these people have still not lost their sense of humor and they seem to be filled with life , enjoying it.
The pictures were magnificent, he had some video material… I saw the potential, but something was missing. So very quickly we improvised a quick tutorial session on field recording and shooting panoramic images. We also calibrated his camera to the Ninja 5 mrk2 head so he could work with his own gear.
He left to India couple of days later.
All the content is by Tim. Text, images, video footage, field audio, panoramic images, time-lapse… Rather impressive amount of work. I did all the editing (video, audio, panoramic) plus the simple layout and web design as well.
It is always a pleasure to work with a true professional: Tim provided the images and text totally edited — color profiles in place and no typos so I didn’t have to touch a thing — and all I had to do was to envision what could be made out of this and patch the whole thing together.
The multimedia can be seen on DocImages website and we made a free iPad version (click on the thumbnail on the right), which can be enjoyed while offline. Also, the iPad edition is designed for the retina display so the resolution of the still images is much more than on the standard online web edition.
UPDATE: as of 9.10.2014 Outcastes is also available as an iBook. Free of charge, naturally.
The whole project is totally pro bono — and we offer it to you for free. However, if you appreciate the experience, why not consider a small donation to the Tikau Share charity through their website? In India, couple of euros can make a world of difference.
Please feel free to share — but before that: read, explore and enjoy.