Vedenneito Revisited

Vedenneito Revisited

Three years ago my friend, documen­tarist Petteri Saario (DocArt) approached me with an idea. There was a pitching compe­tition by SES and AVEK (Finnish Film Foundation and Promotion Center for Audio­visual Culture) looking for new forms of visual story­telling for children and he suggested we work on it together. 26 pitches were presented and four approaches were selected for final … 

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Teaching Sports Photography

Teaching Sports Photography

I stopped my own career as a sports photo­grapher in Sotchi about five years ago… reasons being many, but the most important one probably that I saw the end of profes­sional sports photo­graphy in the nearby horizon and I wanted to concentrate on the life and things coming after that. And it has been truly interesting a ride — more … 

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When it is time to lay down your paddle

When it is time to lay down your paddle

This is a project I have been working on for some time now. It is very personal and one of the most important – if not the most important piece of work I’ve ever done. I have enjoyed tremen­dously doing it and I am proud of the result, I think we did well. At the same time, happiness is not the feeling … 

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History revisited

History revisited

I have posted this image before, I just tumbled upon it by accident as a museum in Estonia was asking to use some of my images. One of my favourite images of all times, shot in Rock Summer 1988 in Tallinn, Estonia. Total rookie in serious photo­jour­nalism, but due to some strange coinci­dences I ended up there, amongst … 

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La Mia Stanza

La Mia Stanza

I was teaching the other day in Lahti (Video and Sound 101), looking for a good example for my students and I came to think of this. It is a small, simple homework I assigned in Aalto University last year, where I asked the students to come up with a thema­tically coherent story of some kind, maybe tell something about themselves so … 

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By the Borderline

By the Borderline

The past couple of weeks I have had the pleasure of teaching in the Aalto University a course titled Multi­media Story­telling. I think it is the fifth or so time I do it and everytime it has been different. This time it was spread over several weeks whereas last time it was a one week intensive. This time I gave quite … 

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National Parks of Finland ‑multimedia

National Parks of Finland ‑multimedia

A friend and colleague of mine Tea Karvinen, contacted me about a year ago and said she needed a bit of help with turning her images into a multi­media presen­tation of some kind. We go back a long way, we both used to work for Ilta-Sanomat and did e.g. Salt Lake City Olympics together 2002. She had spent six years … 

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360° Aerial Photography

360° Aerial Photography

We are doing an interesting project in Lahti (LAMK a.k.a Lahti University of Applied Sciences), where we were assigned to shoot some video footage and stills images on our local outdoor possi­bi­lities. The client did not ask for it, but I volun­teered to shoot some 360° stills as well — I figured that since we already were on … 

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Journalistin kolumnit

Journalistin kolumnit

Olen kirjoit­tanut Journa­listiin vakitui­sesti neljä vuotta. Alunperin pesti oli tarkoi­tettu vuoden mittai­seksi, mutta jostain syystä päätoi­mittaja ei ole puhal­tanut pilliin ja peliä poikki. Saa nähdä kauanko jatkuu vielä… Pohdin ‑jälleen kerran — mitä kirjoittaa seuraa­vassa kolum­nissani ja taas tuli mieleen, että olenkohan tuosta tai tuosta aiheesta puhunut jo riittämiin. Joten päätin kerätä yhteen kaikki tähän mennessä kirjoit­tamani. Jotta … 

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