Tag: media

Tribute to the students of 2021–22

Tribute to the students of 2021–22

For a long time I have wanted to share some moments of my past year — as it has been one incre­dible journey and I have enjoyed it so much. But I have not found the words to do so. Then one of my students from the spring semester posted this. Shot and edited by the super talented Ville Sakki from … 

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Starting to Write Again

Starting to Write Again

 Something I have been thinking for a while now, but never got to it. Seemed like there was always something on the way. But now I feel time has come to do it and I decided to reactivate my writing again. I finished my active pressp­ho­to­graphy career already several years ago (after Sotchi Olympics it was clear that an … 

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By the Borderline

By the Borderline

The past couple of weeks I have had the pleasure of teaching in the Aalto University a course titled Multi­media Story­telling. I think it is the fifth or so time I do it and everytime it has been different. This time it was spread over several weeks whereas last time it was a one week intensive. This time I gave quite … 

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Journalistin kolumnit

Journalistin kolumnit

Olen kirjoit­tanut Journa­listiin vakitui­sesti neljä vuotta. Alunperin pesti oli tarkoi­tettu vuoden mittai­seksi, mutta jostain syystä päätoi­mittaja ei ole puhal­tanut pilliin ja peliä poikki. Saa nähdä kauanko jatkuu vielä… Pohdin ‑jälleen kerran — mitä kirjoittaa seuraa­vassa kolum­nissani ja taas tuli mieleen, että olenkohan tuosta tai tuosta aiheesta puhunut jo riittämiin. Joten päätin kerätä yhteen kaikki tähän mennessä kirjoit­tamani. Jotta … 

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Swedish Brainfart

Swedish Brainfart

Sorry about the title. I really tried to come up with something more politically correct, but I just couldn’t. So ridiculous was the ruling of the Swedish highest court (Högsta Förvalt­nings­doms­tolen) last Friday. If you speak the language, take a look, it is pretty short reading. And it is really, really scary. Basically it states that a drone (UAS) with a camera … 

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Visual Storytelling

Visual Storytelling

I’ve been away from the screen and the keyboard for a long time. The whole of last year was definitely a turning point of some kind… ending of something which had become an essential part of my profes­sional life (i.e. high profile sports photo­graphy) and beginning of something else… (more about that later). And while busy trying to get that “something else” … 

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Anatomy of a Good Documentary

Anatomy of a Good Documentary

Spring for me means intensive teaching. Presently doing Video 101 for photo­graphers in LAMK (Lahti University of Applied Sciences). As always, enjoying it immensely. I asked the students in three words describe what they feel is essential in a good film / documentary. And to make things more interesting: one word had to be a noun, one an adjective and … 

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Multimedia Workshop

Multimedia Workshop

I just finished an intensive of multi­media story­telling in Aalto last week. Doing it inten­sively (i.e. 6–8 hours close contact, every day) really wears you out. Trying to stay “fresh” yourself, i.e. not fall into routines, and all the time trying to find out what it is this time you really think students would appreciate and benefit … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 18: Wrapping Up for the iPad

Sochi Olympics, Day 18: Wrapping Up for the iPad

Feb. 23rd, 2014 I started writing my blog from Sochi when opening ceremony was going on in Adler. There is some symmetry in the fact that I am writing this last chapter (from here) as the fireworks light the sky during the closing ceremonies. This was my seventh Olympics and I simply love doing them. For numerous reasons. … 

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