Tag: nature photography

Arvokas Metsämme

Arvokas Metsämme

One aspect of being independent freelancer has always been a bit of a soft spot for me. It is working alone. Thus every oppor­tunity to work together with a profes­sional, solid team is a blessing which I enjoy very much. Some time ago, actually two years ago already, Petteri Saario – one of our most highly respected award winning nature documen­ta­rists – and … 

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National Parks of Finland ‑multimedia

National Parks of Finland ‑multimedia

A friend and colleague of mine Tea Karvinen, contacted me about a year ago and said she needed a bit of help with turning her images into a multi­media presen­tation of some kind. We go back a long way, we both used to work for Ilta-Sanomat and did e.g. Salt Lake City Olympics together 2002. She had spent six years … 

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