Tag: photoshop

Eeppinen Uutispäivä

Eeppinen Uutispäivä

Tänään vietetään Journa­lismin päivää Helsin­gissä. Ja syytä kyllä on, sillä eilisen “uutisanti” oli kyllä niin villiä, että perässä oli vaikea pysyä. Päivän huippu­kohdat Joku venäläinen eurovii­suissa laulanut babushka oli löytänyt isänsä haudan. Herran, joka kuoli Nazisin taiste­lussa (76-vuotiaana) ja jolle tiedettiin pysty­tetyn joukko­haudan… Sofi Oksanen ei sitten saanutkaan Nobel-palkintoa (kuten koko maailma henkeään pidätellen odotti). Se … 

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Too Many Interfaces…?

Too Many Interfaces…?

That actually was my desktop this morning. My shoulder is killing me — had an operation about 2 weeks ago, presently I can be referred to as the “Titanium Edition” due to the spare parts screwed to my shoulder — and the fact that my hand moves BUT DOES NOT MOVE ENOUGH is driving me nuts. There are images to … 

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Some Simple iPad Stuff for Photographers

Some Simple iPad Stuff for Photographers

The iPad is now totally integrated into my daily workflow. I’ve talked about ShutterS­nitch in my two previous posts — it totally rocks — and I’ve been promising to write about the future of the print on these devices one of these days… And I will, but before that, a quick post on two workflow solutions I thought … 

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HS WTF — continued

HS WTF — continued

Little did I understand when on Tuesday night I posted my HS WTF… About 18 thousand people have read the original post — I can only imagine how many eyeballs the deriva­tives have accumu­lated. It has been quoted on the opening screen of Uusi Suomi, M&M, etc. Facebook has been saturated with links and commentary — never ever has … 

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Abbre­via­tions: HS = our biggest national daily. WTF = well, if you speak the language you should know.… in plain Finnish, a polite form of saying MITÄ HELVETTIÄ? This is HS web today. Click the image to see it — if you still order the paper. If you don’t, it’ll cost you 1,5€. Because it is … 

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Defining (Photo)journalism

Defining (Photo)journalism

I seem to be into “defining” these days. My last post was on “truth and reality”, now I am addressing “journalism” — and “photo­jour­nalism” in particular. Those are big words and I am totally aware that some people might be offended by this. It’s been a break in my writing for a couple of weeks — due mainly to a temporary … 

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You cannot Define the Truth Instrumentally

You cannot Define the Truth Instrumentally

About two weeks ago I was surfing the net and I stumbled on this image on a Helsinki Times page. “Nice HDR-work” was my initial reaction (took me c. two seconds) and then, WTF? Byline with photo­grapher and STT/Lehtikuva/Reuters… What was this? I got interested, googled this particular photo­grapher just to see if this was his style in general. … 

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