Tag: press

Swedish Brainfart

Swedish Brainfart

Sorry about the title. I really tried to come up with something more politically correct, but I just couldn’t. So ridiculous was the ruling of the Swedish highest court (Högsta Förvalt­nings­doms­tolen) last Friday. If you speak the language, take a look, it is pretty short reading. And it is really, really scary. Basically it states that a drone (UAS) with a camera … 

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Koulukiusaamista vai kolonialismia?

Koulukiusaamista vai kolonialismia?

(My second exception in the history of this blog: this is in Finnish — as I try to make my point very clear — and I’ve realized that there is a bit of a threshold with English). Koulu­kiusaa­mista vai kolonia­lismia? Ei kumpaakaan, mutta parempaa vertausta en keksi Sanoma Magazines Finlandin tavalle toimia. Isomman oikeu­della otetaan kaikki — vain siksi, … 

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LA Times et al.: Do You Have to Suck the Sweat out of my Balls now that I am Dead

LA Times et al.: Do You Have to Suck the Sweat out of my Balls now that I am Dead

We — profes­sional press photo­graphers — do know that what we have been doing for decades as a profession is dying. Along with the daily print — but that’s another matter — I’ve been talking about it in this blog ad nauseam. Yet the stunt LA Times et al. just pulled leaves me totally without words. … 

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Stop the Press”

Stop the Press”

Or “Paino­koneet Seis — kerto­muksia uuden journa­lismin ajasta” it is called in Finnish. A very good book everybody working in the present media scene should read. Written by journalist Johanna Vehkoo during her two year leave of absence in Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in Oxford and published couple of months back (by Teos). Seriously, if … 

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Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

This is not an eulogy. This is not so much about Apple or the man — Steve Jobs — either. This is about the paradigm shift he intro­duced which people don’t seem to get. And this is about our future. But: I cannot write this without paying homage to somebody I have always respected immensely. I choose to … 

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What IF.…?

What IF.…?

In the past weeks, I have had so many conver­sa­tions on Reijo, rights grabbing, Sanoma et al. contracts… People are eager to know what is going on, but they are somehow totally lost in this. And the moment I try to explain it in abstract terms… I see that nervous flicker in the eyes — you know what I am talking … 

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Reality Check — like Now?

Reality Check — like Now?

( This post will be in Finnish — this is probably one time only exception in this blog, but it is because I am quoting and referencing Finnish material exten­sively.) Tänään aamulla maamme viral­lisena histo­rian­kir­joit­tajana pidetty Helsingin Sanomat julkaisi kolumnin Sytytä Kynttilä Reijolle. Ymmärrän kolumnin kirjoit­ta­misen taiteen­lajina — mutta kyseinen kirjoittaja Virpi Salmi meni nyt kaikkien … 

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Sucking the Marrow out of Dead Man’s Bones

Sucking the Marrow out of Dead Man’s Bones

Well, it used to be that you could tell the spring by the condom ads which came plastered on the ad stands in Helsinki… Nowadays, you can tell it is the holiday season when the publishers start sending their “we want everything: past, present and the future — and we will not pay for it. … 

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A Walk On the Memory Lane: Rock Summer 1988

A Walk On the Memory Lane: Rock Summer 1988

This is not brilliant, far from it — but it is different, I dare say. Something I did now in the spring and finally I thought it is time to show it. Show that there are options — that it is not that hard to do something this simple, yet totally different. That there are possi­bi­lities outside the … 

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