Things which Make me Happy…
The repulsive dog-vomit published by HS last week really bothered me (ref. to my previous post), then some personal hate-mail, the death of a someone dear to me… Put it this way: I’ve had better weeks than the previous one. I really have.
So I thought: I want to share and write something positive. Show that life is not only gloomy and dark — but that there are other things; things happening which really make me happy — and somehow make it easier to stand all the shit which sometimes gets poured over you. Small things, but personally very important. People who care and who make a difference. I’d like to mention two of them here — a sort of “thank you” and giving credit where it is due.
I always complain that there is no multimedia worth mentioning published in this country. And then just by coincidence, I come across this one. The piece is called A Decision — a small, simple linear story describing the difficulty of choosing between a life or an abortion. Done brilliantly by Lotta-Liina Salonen in the University of Tampere.
Unfortunately this version is in Finnish only, but let me translate to you the introduction, so you get the feel of it.
“Making a decision is a journey — a travel from a beginning to an end or back to the beginning. A decision is not static stand-still, but a movement along an axis of yes, maybe or no. It’s going round in circles, pulling back and forth, running here and there. It can be an uncertainty which tears you apart- you go round and round when all the options scare you.
This is a story of one difficult decision. It begins with a positive pregnancy test and ends with an abortion.”
I had the honor of teaching Lotta-Liina two years ago. She is one of the brightest and most focused minds I have ever had the pleasure of teaching — and I learned a lot myself during our brief encounter. I publish her work here in this blog with her permission.
Although I personally had nothing to do with this particular piece I also sense a small pinch of pride: this is my student, maybe there is a hint of something I managed to teach her , transferred into the creation of this poignant story. As I said, she really focuses in what she does and I can only admire her beautiful visual narrative.
Yes, there are things which I might have done a bit differently (see, the teacher in me never sleeps.… ;-) ), but they are totally irrelevant, minor things and I have no reason to talk about them here. I only mention this as to say that I make no claim as this to be perfect — if anything ever is — but it’s about the best piece of multimedia I have ever seen done in this country. I got goosebumps when I saw it for the first time — and I don’t know how many times I have seen it by now.
Congrats, Lottis, seriously. Proud of you.
Another “thank you” goes to Kristjan Jagomägi in Tallinn, Estonia. He sent me the image below couple of days ago — with a couple of lines of explanation:
2 Replies to “Things which Make me Happy…”
This would normally be the moment where I would say something pithy and dry to make a little fun of you.
I’ve got nothing.
Great pieces.
Enjoy a little reflection.
I’ll get you on the next one.
Thank you Hopper -
appreciate that. You get me on the next one.