Tag: valokuvaus

Sielunmaisema” – exhibition until September 22, 2022

Sielunmaisema” – exhibition until September 22, 2022

In my previous post I talked a bit about my students. The class of spring 2022 was very intense and special… and when the semester ended, everyone felt like it came to an end too soon. So within two weeks they had decided that they would do a small exhibition in the fall and had even reserved a venue for it. They needed … 

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Tribute to the students of 2021–22

Tribute to the students of 2021–22

For a long time I have wanted to share some moments of my past year — as it has been one incre­dible journey and I have enjoyed it so much. But I have not found the words to do so. Then one of my students from the spring semester posted this. Shot and edited by the super talented Ville Sakki from … 

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Starting to Write Again

Starting to Write Again

 Something I have been thinking for a while now, but never got to it. Seemed like there was always something on the way. But now I feel time has come to do it and I decided to reactivate my writing again. I finished my active pressp­ho­to­graphy career already several years ago (after Sotchi Olympics it was clear that an … 

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