Category: Canon EOS 1DX

Talking of Sports Images…

Talking of Sports Images…

One of my favorite images from these games. The three ladies above everyone else: Björgen, Johaug and Kowalczyk. Slowly packing my stuff here in Val di Fiemme, heading homewards tomorrow. Next month will be very much teaching oriented: first teaching sports photo­graphy Thursday thru Sunday and then video and multi­media intensive in Lahti (joint project with LAMK … 

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Multimedia: The Independence Reception 2012

Multimedia: The Independence Reception 2012

(Click here to see the multi­media) It is the most important social happening of the year — as a social event, you could say it is sort of our Academy Awards. It is also the most viewed TV-program of the year. I’ve covered the event several times — yes, you might argue that it goes into the … 

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The Default Skating Image

The Default Skating Image

I was shooting skating during this weekend. Finlandia Trophy, the opening of winters­ports season for me. As I posted couple of images in the FB, I got into an argument — no, call it “fruitful exchange of ideas” — which I thought merits more discussion. Basically, my friend argued that the image I posted “did not portray they quality … 

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Playing with New Toys: EOS 1D‑X and EOS 5Dmrk3

Playing with New Toys: EOS 1D‑X and EOS 5Dmrk3

During the past couple of weeks I have been playing with new toys — or tools, more like it. Canon Finland was kind enough to lend me the new EOS 1DX and the 5Dmrk3 to play with for couple of days. No, this is not a test, just simple first impressions.