Category: copyright

Copyright 101

Copyright 101

I was pretty pissed off when I wrote my previous post (maybe you could tell?) Writing a follow-up is not easy. Trying to stay calm. I can already see the commentary: “You are milking the subject, yester­day’s news, oh just quit whining, blah, blah, blah…” Yet, it needs to be done. I have read the commentary on my previous blogpost — plus the … 

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LA Times et al.: Do You Have to Suck the Sweat out of my Balls now that I am Dead

LA Times et al.: Do You Have to Suck the Sweat out of my Balls now that I am Dead

We — profes­sional press photo­graphers — do know that what we have been doing for decades as a profession is dying. Along with the daily print — but that’s another matter — I’ve been talking about it in this blog ad nauseam. Yet the stunt LA Times et al. just pulled leaves me totally without words. … 

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Reality Check — like Now?

Reality Check — like Now?

( This post will be in Finnish — this is probably one time only exception in this blog, but it is because I am quoting and referencing Finnish material exten­sively.) Tänään aamulla maamme viral­lisena histo­rian­kir­joit­tajana pidetty Helsingin Sanomat julkaisi kolumnin Sytytä Kynttilä Reijolle. Ymmärrän kolumnin kirjoit­ta­misen taiteen­lajina — mutta kyseinen kirjoittaja Virpi Salmi meni nyt kaikkien … 

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2011: So You Want to Have Your Newspaper in the iPad?

2011: So You Want to Have Your Newspaper in the iPad?

(UPDATED; see end) Ge’ez, that’s original. So does everybody — so join the line. That’s no news. Wait! Take it again! Did you say you want you newsPAPER into the iPad or you NEWSpaper? Because: if you meant the latter, you might be into something. “It shouldn’t be about the device but about the infor­mation”, said Rob Curley … 

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HS WTF — continued

HS WTF — continued

Little did I understand when on Tuesday night I posted my HS WTF… About 18 thousand people have read the original post — I can only imagine how many eyeballs the deriva­tives have accumu­lated. It has been quoted on the opening screen of Uusi Suomi, M&M, etc. Facebook has been saturated with links and commentary — never ever has … 

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Abbre­via­tions: HS = our biggest national daily. WTF = well, if you speak the language you should know.… in plain Finnish, a polite form of saying MITÄ HELVETTIÄ? This is HS web today. Click the image to see it — if you still order the paper. If you don’t, it’ll cost you 1,5€. Because it is … 

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