Category: future

Stop the Press”

Stop the Press”

Or “Paino­koneet Seis — kerto­muksia uuden journa­lismin ajasta” it is called in Finnish. A very good book everybody working in the present media scene should read. Written by journalist Johanna Vehkoo during her two year leave of absence in Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in Oxford and published couple of months back (by Teos). Seriously, if … 

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Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

This is not an eulogy. This is not so much about Apple or the man — Steve Jobs — either. This is about the paradigm shift he intro­duced which people don’t seem to get. And this is about our future. But: I cannot write this without paying homage to somebody I have always respected immensely. I choose to … 

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What IF.…?

What IF.…?

In the past weeks, I have had so many conver­sa­tions on Reijo, rights grabbing, Sanoma et al. contracts… People are eager to know what is going on, but they are somehow totally lost in this. And the moment I try to explain it in abstract terms… I see that nervous flicker in the eyes — you know what I am talking … 

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