Category: Photomechanic

Shooting Synchro Skating WC 2011 — Tech Tips

Shooting Synchro Skating WC 2011 — Tech Tips

I had a couple of questions yesterday and today on some equipment — plus the always flattering “how the hell did you do that” comments — so I just thought I post quickly some pointers. Somebody asked on my cardreader… Yes, it is three Lexar readers daisy-chained together using the FW-800 port on my MBP; the fourth one … 

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Canon WFT and Eye-Fi — together with iPhone and iPad

Canon WFT and Eye-Fi — together with iPhone and iPad

I’ve had couple of emails asking for more infor­mation on my previous post, so here we go. Been testing different scenarios, different network and workflow confi­gu­ra­tions… and I have to say, I really like this. When I compared it to a toilet in train in my previous post, somebody asked did I have to look for the train for a long time… :-) True, … 

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Vancouver Olympics, day 15: Creating Fast Workflows

Vancouver Olympics, day 15: Creating Fast Workflows

Time is of the essence, when working in a timezone which is ten hours behind your own. In practise this means that if I want to make tomorrows paper, all my images have to be in by 14.oo at the latest local time. When compe­ti­tions end about that time over here, you are in a hurry — in a big … 

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