Category: Vancouver

Daily Print and the Death of Photojournalism: Suicide by Choking

Daily Print and the Death of Photojournalism: Suicide by Choking

I have had an interesting week. First, I was asked to write a small “thought provoking” article for The Journalist — obviously somebody had read my post from Vancouver Olympics. Then Helsingin Sanomat asked me to make a short presen­tation on my views concerning the future of the media in the net and some of the approaches I’d …

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Vancouver Olympics 2010: Media and the Web

Vancouver Olympics 2010: Media and the Web

I had thought of writing a funny piece about all the things one should NOT do in the olympics, but I decided to let it pass. Somehow it is drifting into the past already. I promise to do it some later date, in some other context. Instead I thought I take a quick look at our (Finnish) media and the coverage of … 

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Vancouver Olympics, day 19: Bronze medals and multimedia hiccups

Vancouver Olympics, day 19: Bronze medals and multimedia hiccups

I’m ready to go home — I guess we all are. Three more days. I’m wet, I’m tired… Presently shooting women’s slalom in real low visibility, due to heavy snowfall. Even if you expose correctly, set the white­point and then push the black all the way to the 100 in ARC, you still use about one third of the … 

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Vancouver Olympics, day 17: Toys and Tips

Vancouver Olympics, day 17: Toys and Tips

Day 17. I guess officially it is day 13, but I have been here seventeen days — and five more to go. Time to look at some of the images and answer some questions I have had on equipment — mainly on Canon EOS 1Dmk4. But let’s start with the images: took a nice series of Lindsey Vonn crashing. My … 

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Vancouver Olympics, day 15: Creating Fast Workflows

Vancouver Olympics, day 15: Creating Fast Workflows

Time is of the essence, when working in a timezone which is ten hours behind your own. In practise this means that if I want to make tomorrows paper, all my images have to be in by 14.oo at the latest local time. When compe­ti­tions end about that time over here, you are in a hurry — in a big … 

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Vancouver Olympics, day 13: Busted Plans, Busted Knees…

Vancouver Olympics, day 13: Busted Plans, Busted Knees…

Sometimes you just don’t win. And I’m talking about myself, not the Finnish athletes… who also have won absolutely nothing either. These games are slowly starting to resemble a national disaster. But my point: I had planned to shoot a sequence of Janne Ahonen, the moment he leaves the large hill and springs forward. His style has been under … 

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Vancouver Olympics, day 11: Panoramic Images

Vancouver Olympics, day 11: Panoramic Images

For the first week it was pissing rain and you could not shoot anything with an extreme wideangle, as you would have only gotten fog and water on the lens. But it has gotten better. I have had couple of friends already asking for these so here we go. I had a free morning and I decided to shoot … 

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Vancouver Olympics, day 9: Don’t tell my boss…

Vancouver Olympics, day 9: Don’t tell my boss…

Yes, don’t tell my boss, but I actually took a day off. Went to Vancouver, walked around the city, did some shopping, went to the Aquarium… Yes, the aquarium. That is something I always do when travelling if I have a chance. I have a special relationship with anything connected to the sea (I dive, sail, go canoeing and kayaking when ever I have … 

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