Tag: Canon 5D mk2

Oslo 2011 Skiing: A Multimedia Approach

Oslo 2011 Skiing: A Multimedia Approach

Been here now three days: fog, rain, snow… It is a question of choosing your profession, I guess, but I just don’t enjoy being wet all the time — nor does my camera equipment. Plus in this total “grayness” it is hard to make photo­graphy worth showing. But yesterday I made something which I consider might be worth sharing. In November during … 

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A Monster of a Camera

A Monster of a Camera

I thought I share one aspect of my work which I don’t usually talk so much about and that is commis­sioned R&D and consulting. For obvious reasons — usually client is paying for your input and they would not be happy if you gave that away for free to a compe­titor. But, in this case I think there is no … 

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