Tag: Documentary

The Original Sin of Photography

The Original Sin of Photography

(Origi­nally published in MEDIUM) No. It was not Photoshop, nor going digital. Not iPhone, nor touch devices in general. And it was no apple from a tree someone ate a long time ago. But there was a definite, decisive moment. It was the moment we turned the camera from the world into ourselves. When we lost the curiosity and … 

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Vedenneito Revisited

Vedenneito Revisited

Three years ago my friend, documen­tarist Petteri Saario (DocArt) approached me with an idea. There was a pitching compe­tition by SES and AVEK (Finnish Film Foundation and Promotion Center for Audio­visual Culture) looking for new forms of visual story­telling for children and he suggested we work on it together. 26 pitches were presented and four approaches were selected for final … 

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360° Aerial Photography

360° Aerial Photography

We are doing an interesting project in Lahti (LAMK a.k.a Lahti University of Applied Sciences), where we were assigned to shoot some video footage and stills images on our local outdoor possi­bi­lities. The client did not ask for it, but I volun­teered to shoot some 360° stills as well — I figured that since we already were on … 

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Swedish Brainfart

Swedish Brainfart

Sorry about the title. I really tried to come up with something more politically correct, but I just couldn’t. So ridiculous was the ruling of the Swedish highest court (Högsta Förvalt­nings­doms­tolen) last Friday. If you speak the language, take a look, it is pretty short reading. And it is really, really scary. Basically it states that a drone (UAS) with a camera … 

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Kolme strategiaa medialle

Kolme strategiaa medialle

Janne Zareff kirjoittaa viimei­sessä Journa­listin kolum­nissaan, että verotus­pää­tökset eivät ratkaise ammat­ti­jour­na­lismin ongelmia. Ongelmat ratkaistaan sillä, että tarjotaan jotain sellaista, mistä jatkos­sakin yleisö on valmis maksamaan. Hän toteaa kylmän viileästi ja täysin oikein, että ammati­jour­na­lismin olemas­saolo ei ole itses­tään­selvyys, vaan että se on yksin­ker­tai­sesti ilmiö, joka on syntynyt tietyn­lai­sessa histo­rial­li­sessa tilan­teessa. Toisen­lai­sessa histo­rial­li­sessa tilan­teessa sen olemas­saolo voi loppua. … 

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Congratulations, Heli!

Congratulations, Heli!

I’ve written about this multi­media piece couple of times earlier. But please bear with me one more time. Today I had the honor of receiving the Multi­media of the Year 2013 Award (Suomen Lehti­ku­vaajat / Finnish Pressp­ho­to­graphers Association) together with Heli Kaskinen in Helsinki for DocImages. My role in this production was simply to act as a mentor … 

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Digital Indie Publishing

Digital Indie Publishing

Some of you might have noticed the thing we did in DocImages couple of days ago. Well, if you didn’t, here’s a short recap. (And here is an article I wrote in Finnish in our blog) I am getting sick and tired of the ever tightening legacy print death spiral and especially frustrated with their total lack of … 

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On the Ethics of Journalism

On the Ethics of Journalism

I had the honor of seeing this piece couple of weeks ago in a screening in New York. I think it is a great piece, absolutely worth your time. But before you watch it, please make sure you read this accom­pa­nying essay by Eric Maierson, the producer of this particular piece. Trust me, read it first. It is long, … 

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What IF.…?

What IF.…?

In the past weeks, I have had so many conver­sa­tions on Reijo, rights grabbing, Sanoma et al. contracts… People are eager to know what is going on, but they are somehow totally lost in this. And the moment I try to explain it in abstract terms… I see that nervous flicker in the eyes — you know what I am talking … 

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