Category: Equipment

Shooting from a Kayak

Shooting from a Kayak

So what does a photo­grapher do when he is on vacation? Naturally: plays with cameras, what did you think? This summer has been very different in many respects — much less sailing for starters as usual (due to Helsinki EC in Athletics first and now the London Olympics starting next week) — and unfor­tu­nately more funerals than … 

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Playing with New Toys: EOS 1D‑X and EOS 5Dmrk3

Playing with New Toys: EOS 1D‑X and EOS 5Dmrk3

During the past couple of weeks I have been playing with new toys — or tools, more like it. Canon Finland was kind enough to lend me the new EOS 1DX and the 5Dmrk3 to play with for couple of days. No, this is not a test, just simple first impressions.

Just One Image

Just One Image

This was one of the coolest assign­ments I have had for a long time — and I thought I give some credit now where credit is due (a big thank you to Riitta in IL) and talk about it a bit. And maybe also share some light into a profes­sional approach to a thing like this. I got a phone call from my picture … 

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Let the Games Begin: WC Athletics in Daegu, Korea

Let the Games Begin: WC Athletics in Daegu, Korea

Well, I hope my being a total idiot for the past couple of days has finally reached the end and I can more or less concentrate on work over here. I mean, how much can one person mess up: lost passport, frozen computer, unpaid accom­mo­dation, 25 kg of hand luggage (funny they should react to that… :-)), lost iPhone… … 

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Too Many Interfaces…?

Too Many Interfaces…?

That actually was my desktop this morning. My shoulder is killing me — had an operation about 2 weeks ago, presently I can be referred to as the “Titanium Edition” due to the spare parts screwed to my shoulder — and the fact that my hand moves BUT DOES NOT MOVE ENOUGH is driving me nuts. There are images to … 

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Shooting Synchro Skating WC 2011 — Tech Tips

Shooting Synchro Skating WC 2011 — Tech Tips

I had a couple of questions yesterday and today on some equipment — plus the always flattering “how the hell did you do that” comments — so I just thought I post quickly some pointers. Somebody asked on my cardreader… Yes, it is three Lexar readers daisy-chained together using the FW-800 port on my MBP; the fourth one … 

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A Monster of a Camera

A Monster of a Camera

I thought I share one aspect of my work which I don’t usually talk so much about and that is commis­sioned R&D and consulting. For obvious reasons — usually client is paying for your input and they would not be happy if you gave that away for free to a compe­titor. But, in this case I think there is no … 

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Ski Jumping in Ruka

Ski Jumping in Ruka

I covered the World Cup opening of ski jumping, cross-country and nordic combined last weekend in Ruka and thought that I just show a couple of images — as quite often your favorite ones are not the ones which end up on the printed page. Although on this occasion, I have to say my clients (Iltalehti, Aamulehti, Lapinkansa, … 

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Some Simple iPad Stuff for Photographers

Some Simple iPad Stuff for Photographers

The iPad is now totally integrated into my daily workflow. I’ve talked about ShutterS­nitch in my two previous posts — it totally rocks — and I’ve been promising to write about the future of the print on these devices one of these days… And I will, but before that, a quick post on two workflow solutions I thought … 

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