Category: Estonia

History revisited

History revisited

I have posted this image before, I just tumbled upon it by accident as a museum in Estonia was asking to use some of my images. One of my favourite images of all times, shot in Rock Summer 1988 in Tallinn, Estonia. Total rookie in serious photo­jour­nalism, but due to some strange coinci­dences I ended up there, amongst … 

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Who do I send an Invoice to?

Who do I send an Invoice to?

(Edited, see the end) Dear colleagues of Scanpix and Postimees — I’m just curious how on earth you got the idea that you can publish my image on your page — or as it comes to Scanpix, how did you ever think you can sell my work (keeping a 100% royalty, I assume?) without asking me? I have not given Postimees any publishing … 

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What IF.…?

What IF.…?

In the past weeks, I have had so many conver­sa­tions on Reijo, rights grabbing, Sanoma et al. contracts… People are eager to know what is going on, but they are somehow totally lost in this. And the moment I try to explain it in abstract terms… I see that nervous flicker in the eyes — you know what I am talking … 

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Things which Make me Happy…

Things which Make me Happy…

The repulsive dog-vomit published by HS last week really bothered me (ref. to my previous post), then some personal hate-mail, the death of a someone dear to me… Put it this way: I’ve had better weeks than the previous one. I really have. So I thought: I want to share and write something positive. Show that life is not only gloomy … 

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Back to Estonia — 22 Years Later

Back to Estonia — 22 Years Later

I wrote a post some time ago about the Rock Summer 1988 festival and the experi­mental multi­media I did on that for YLE Teema. Then, three days ago I went to the screening of the documentary done on this same event called Eesti vabaks! Rockfes­ti­vaali joka ei päättynyt ( Free Estonia! Festival which never ended!) . But I had hard time … 

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