Category: iPhone

QR Code: Rich Media to Meet the Legacy Print?

QR Code: Rich Media to Meet the Legacy Print?

I don’t usually get carried away by gadgets or techno­lo­gical innova­tions. Usually don’t hype about them either. I might talk about them, review them, discuss them. Yes, you can call me gear-head if you want — but just because of that, I’m also very used to technology. I am not easily impressed. But this time I do. I am. Totally. … 

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Canon WFT and Eye-Fi — together with iPhone and iPad

Canon WFT and Eye-Fi — together with iPhone and iPad

I’ve had couple of emails asking for more infor­mation on my previous post, so here we go. Been testing different scenarios, different network and workflow confi­gu­ra­tions… and I have to say, I really like this. When I compared it to a toilet in train in my previous post, somebody asked did I have to look for the train for a long time… :-) True, … 

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iPad and ShutterSnitch — Like a Toilet in a Train

iPad and ShutterSnitch — Like a Toilet in a Train

I’ve been planning — and promising — to write about the iPad for quite a long time now. But something has always gotten on the way. But — here we go. This essay discusses an application called the ShutterS­nitch and how it is integrated it into my daily workflow. Then — hopefully in my next post — … 

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Wrapping Up Barcelona 2010 Experience

Wrapping Up Barcelona 2010 Experience

It’s been quite an experience. My two principal clients Iltalehti and Aamulehti jumped on the oppor­tunity of using the Livefeed from here and it has so far generated an audience of several thousand people. Commenting has been really scarce — but then again that’s Finland, it’s just not part of the culture to comment (unless …

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Livefeed from Barcelona: On the Air

Livefeed from Barcelona: On the Air

Last night I came to the hotel and opened a good bottle of wine. Felt like I’d earned it; exhausted but flying: everything just came together in the end. I was so happy. Fast trans­mission, no hickups really, workflow getting better and better, faster and faster. For instance; before I shot the image above (the winner of 100m dash … 

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Livefeed from Barcelona

Livefeed from Barcelona

This is something I have been working on for a quite a long time and now it’s time to put it into a real field test. Not that the actual technique is so complicated, but it’s been interesting trying to build the workflow so that it is rock solid and easy to use in a hurry and under pressure. What … 

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I Love my Mac…

I Love my Mac…

… and you could easily claim that I am a big fan of Apple. Hell, presently three of them are humming in the house — even our boat has a set up for two. And I just love my iPhone. There is no way I would touch a PC for any serious work… On top of that: I’ve said — just like … 

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Going Totally Wireless with Canon 1D Mk4

Going Totally Wireless with Canon 1D Mk4

I had planned to continue my post on the “suicide of the print”, but due to some change of circums­tances I save that for a later day. I just have to add that thank God I made my presen­tation that day and not later: the photo­graphers I was addressing just swept the table in our POY two days later. Seven … 

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