Tag: sports

Teaching Sports Photography

Teaching Sports Photography

I stopped my own career as a sports photo­grapher in Sotchi about five years ago… reasons being many, but the most important one probably that I saw the end of profes­sional sports photo­graphy in the nearby horizon and I wanted to concentrate on the life and things coming after that. And it has been truly interesting a ride — more … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 15: Your Typical Day

Sochi Olympics, Day 15: Your Typical Day

Feb. 20th, 2014 I had planned to write something yesterday, but unders­tan­dably, I was kinda busy as Finland won first silver in women’s pair sprint and and half an hour later our men won the gold medal. To me however, it was like the majority of my working days over here. And I thought it might be interesting to walk … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 12: Respect, Noriaki-san

Sochi Olympics, Day 12: Respect, Noriaki-san

Feb. 17th, 2014 On Saturday to end a long day I went to see the large hill compe­tition. Did not expect that much from it — and besides I felt I had gotten a decent picture of Janne Ahonen earlier — but just in case Anssi Koivu­ranta would do something I decided to go. The working condi­tions are really hard over there (photo …

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Sochi Olympics, Day 10: Broken Dreams and Stories to Remember

Sochi Olympics, Day 10: Broken Dreams and Stories to Remember

Feb. 15th, 2014 If the other day I wrote about Aino-Kaisa Saari­nen’s missing the medal by two secs, yesterday was even worse for Finland. First we had Iivo Niskanen. Guy nobody raved about before the games and suddenly he is leading the 15km race. He got to sit on the seat reserved for the leader like ten minutes. … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 9: If You Can’t Win, then at least Look Good…

Sochi Olympics, Day 9: If You Can’t Win, then at least Look Good…

Feb. 14th, 2014 On my way to cover the men’s 15km tradi­tional race in couple of hours. Finland has like less than 1% chance for a medal imho… Matti Heikkinen is the strongest candidate, but he has been sick for quite a while now, so perso­nally I don’t think he can make it. Sami Jauho­järvi is one of my favorite athletes. … 

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Sochi Olympics, Day 3: Janne Ahonen — again

Sochi Olympics, Day 3: Janne Ahonen — again

Feb 8th, 2014. I must have written same kind of post from the Vancouver Olympics — actually I do remember writing something on this. But what can you do? This is the fourth Olympics I am shooting… no I correct myself: it is the fourth time I have the honor of photo­graphing a living legend, ski jumper Janne Ahonen in the Olympics. … 

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Two Hills Tournament…

Two Hills Tournament…

As you might know, it is called Four Hills Tournament (Vierschanzen­tournee)… but to me it became only two. Finland has been doing a record low — yesterday three out of four jumpers left for Finland because of their poor perfor­mance. Kind of discou­raging… and not much to do as a photo­grapher for the rest of the tour. The … 

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GoPro and the iPad App

GoPro and the iPad App

Something totally technical (somebody could say just nerdy) for a change: GoPro came up with their long awaited iPhone/iPad app couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t get it to work (not that I tried that much…); but today I noticed something they posted on Twitter and decided to give it another try. Updated my three GoPro Hero2’s with Cineform Studio … 

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The Default Skating Image

The Default Skating Image

I was shooting skating during this weekend. Finlandia Trophy, the opening of winters­ports season for me. As I posted couple of images in the FB, I got into an argument — no, call it “fruitful exchange of ideas” — which I thought merits more discussion. Basically, my friend argued that the image I posted “did not portray they quality … 

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