Tag: sports

Olympics, Day 6: Fencing, Sailing…

Olympics, Day 6: Fencing, Sailing…

Half way thru the games. Been busy, being the only photo­grapher for my client means I am really pushing it. Which also explains why I have been very quiet in this blog as well — there just is no extra time. Work intended to the client(s) and simply getting around from venue to venue in the London … 

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Ski Jumping: Four Hills Tournament 2011–2012

Ski Jumping: Four Hills Tournament 2011–2012

Just a brief post to show that I actually do work for a living… Covering the “Vierschanzen­tournee” — or as it is called in English, the Four Hills Tournament. I did the Oberstdorf already two days ago and just finished the Garmish-Parten­­kirchen competition.

Routine Images, Good Images — or Images which Tell a Story?

Routine Images, Good Images — or Images which Tell a Story?

(Gallery updated — for the last time). Just came to think about something. No big thing, just some quiet self-reflection. No complaints, no whining and absolutely no ranting. Just thinking aloud. But: I realized that majority of my work could be classified into three different categories. The image above is routine. Your basic point and shoot. It’s Usain … 

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Sports Photography: Win some, Lose some — Sometimes it Rains…

Sports Photography: Win some, Lose some — Sometimes it Rains…

(Update 30th Aug.: click to see a small (iPad compa­tible) gallery. Will be updated daily.) If I remember correctly that was Kevin Costner in “Field of Dreams” describing baseball… Well, profes­sional sports photo­graphy is like that as well. You really push hard — or don’t do it, but then you will be history pretty fast in this field… … 

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Let the Games Begin: WC Athletics in Daegu, Korea

Let the Games Begin: WC Athletics in Daegu, Korea

Well, I hope my being a total idiot for the past couple of days has finally reached the end and I can more or less concentrate on work over here. I mean, how much can one person mess up: lost passport, frozen computer, unpaid accom­mo­dation, 25 kg of hand luggage (funny they should react to that… :-)), lost iPhone… … 

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Shooting Synchro Skating WC 2011 — Tech Tips

Shooting Synchro Skating WC 2011 — Tech Tips

I had a couple of questions yesterday and today on some equipment — plus the always flattering “how the hell did you do that” comments — so I just thought I post quickly some pointers. Somebody asked on my cardreader… Yes, it is three Lexar readers daisy-chained together using the FW-800 port on my MBP; the fourth one … 

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Saying Goodbye to Oslo 2011

Saying Goodbye to Oslo 2011

It has been pretty hectic two weeks. Long hours. I came here almost directly from Garmish (Alpine WC) and maybe the first time ever, I really felt tired couple of days to the extend that I think it affected my perfor­mance. Hopefully it was just a fleeting feeling — and nobody really noticed… ;-)

Forget Photography — Screen Capture Rules

Forget Photography — Screen Capture Rules

(Just updated the small image gallery I’ve been keeping from here) Two nights ago, I go to cover the prize ceremony of the men’s X‑country 15km race here in Oslo. Matti Heikkinen is the first man to win this title in 12 years in Finland — so it’s big news back home. We are doing 11 pages … 

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