Tag: Video

Anatomy of a Good Documentary

Anatomy of a Good Documentary

Spring for me means intensive teaching. Presently doing Video 101 for photo­graphers in LAMK (Lahti University of Applied Sciences). As always, enjoying it immensely. I asked the students in three words describe what they feel is essential in a good film / documentary. And to make things more interesting: one word had to be a noun, one an adjective and … 

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Multimedia Workshop

Multimedia Workshop

I just finished an intensive of multi­media story­telling in Aalto last week. Doing it inten­sively (i.e. 6–8 hours close contact, every day) really wears you out. Trying to stay “fresh” yourself, i.e. not fall into routines, and all the time trying to find out what it is this time you really think students would appreciate and benefit … 

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Things which Make me Happy…

Things which Make me Happy…

The repulsive dog-vomit published by HS last week really bothered me (ref. to my previous post), then some personal hate-mail, the death of a someone dear to me… Put it this way: I’ve had better weeks than the previous one. I really have. So I thought: I want to share and write something positive. Show that life is not only gloomy … 

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QR Code: Rich Media to Meet the Legacy Print?

QR Code: Rich Media to Meet the Legacy Print?

I don’t usually get carried away by gadgets or techno­lo­gical innova­tions. Usually don’t hype about them either. I might talk about them, review them, discuss them. Yes, you can call me gear-head if you want — but just because of that, I’m also very used to technology. I am not easily impressed. But this time I do. I am. Totally. … 

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A Monster of a Camera

A Monster of a Camera

I thought I share one aspect of my work which I don’t usually talk so much about and that is commis­sioned R&D and consulting. For obvious reasons — usually client is paying for your input and they would not be happy if you gave that away for free to a compe­titor. But, in this case I think there is no … 

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Multimedia: the Rule of 40–30-20–10

Multimedia: the Rule of 40–30-20–10

The best benefit of teaching IMHO is the fact that you learn yourself so much. And when trying to pass this infor­mation further, one naturally tries to formulate one’s thoughts as clearly as one can. Doing linear story­telling thru images — and trying to teach it — I have come up with a half a dozen rules — or call … 

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