Category: Skiing

Saying Goodbye to Oslo 2011

Saying Goodbye to Oslo 2011

It has been pretty hectic two weeks. Long hours. I came here almost directly from Garmish (Alpine WC) and maybe the first time ever, I really felt tired couple of days to the extend that I think it affected my perfor­mance. Hopefully it was just a fleeting feeling — and nobody really noticed… ;-)

Forget Photography — Screen Capture Rules

Forget Photography — Screen Capture Rules

(Just updated the small image gallery I’ve been keeping from here) Two nights ago, I go to cover the prize ceremony of the men’s X‑country 15km race here in Oslo. Matti Heikkinen is the first man to win this title in 12 years in Finland — so it’s big news back home. We are doing 11 pages … 

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Oslo 2011 Skiing: A Multimedia Approach

Oslo 2011 Skiing: A Multimedia Approach

Been here now three days: fog, rain, snow… It is a question of choosing your profession, I guess, but I just don’t enjoy being wet all the time — nor does my camera equipment. Plus in this total “grayness” it is hard to make photo­graphy worth showing. But yesterday I made something which I consider might be worth sharing. In November during … 

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From Alpine to X‑Country

From Alpine to X‑Country

My week in Germany starts to be over — time to head home for a quick pit-stop and then Oslo tomorrow to cover the X‑country WC for two weeks. Not much to say anymore… Feel bad for Tanja, it was so close. Some good images, some not so good… All in all, a good learning experience — many things to take back … 

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The First Rule of Being a Freelance

The First Rule of Being a Freelance

Well, there might be diffe­rences of opinion here. Somebody might say “remember to pay your taxes/retirement” or “show only great images to your clients” or whatever… But: doing this for a living for a long time I’d like to make a point of mentioning something I learned a long time ago — and which I have during the last couple of days … 

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Anatomy of a Shoot

Anatomy of a Shoot

I am presently covering the Alpine World Championships in Garmisch-Parten­­kirchen, Germany — but before I get more into that please allow me to post something which I did about ten days ago. I got a great compliment from my journalist the other day after I’d shot this assignment: “You know, when I learn that you are going to be the photo­grapher I know … 

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Ski Jumping in Ruka

Ski Jumping in Ruka

I covered the World Cup opening of ski jumping, cross-country and nordic combined last weekend in Ruka and thought that I just show a couple of images — as quite often your favorite ones are not the ones which end up on the printed page. Although on this occasion, I have to say my clients (Iltalehti, Aamulehti, Lapinkansa, … 

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Alpine Skiing in Levi

Alpine Skiing in Levi

I’ve been writing so much lately on the future of the media and all kinds of “serious” stuff, so please allow me this little digression… just to show what I really do for a living and what I enjoy doing. Presently I am covering the opening of the alpine season World Cup in Slalom, Levi Finland. Women ski on Saturday and men … 

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