Category: Web

Crossing Borders

Crossing Borders

I have been thinking about my work lately — trying to reflect it in the eyes of the people I have conver­sa­tions with. At the same time, searching for influence and inspi­ration from people I highly respect and whose work I consider to be the absolute best in their field. Allow me to mention two persons (both also friends) … 

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Creating a Multimedia Interface

Creating a Multimedia Interface

I have been working on this for weeks now — and finally it is opera­tional. And that’s good news, really good news and very important to me. But the bad news (well, not really bad, but annoying): the project I used for creating this is sent to a client for evaluation and I cannot show it at this stage … 

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Sölden — lessons learned

Sölden — lessons learned

Sunny days in Sölden are history and it is back to business as usual. Flying home tomorrow. Skied in good company as you can see in the image on the right. ;-) As I said somewhere (FB): “The fact that I was the last one over the finishing line beats me…” Image Managed to get one or two decent images … 

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Multimedia: Working on a New Interface

Multimedia: Working on a New Interface

Been busy lately working with a new interface format. Meaning: lots of sleepless nights. I’ve been trying to minimize the role of HTML-code and move the emphasis — as much as possible — to flash. And as anyone familiar with flash knows, it is a rather complicated program. Nothing new in this per se, but with a couple of … 

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This is about Storytelling…”

This is about Storytelling…”

I’ll be starting an audios­li­deshow workshop tomorrow in Tampere University. Four sessions of intensive work. Really looking forward to it. About ten students I have never met before. Prepared my slides and lessons yesterday and I was all ready to go for tomorrow. And then I stumbled upon this: BFC live feed from Sundsvall, where Poul and Henrik from Bombay … 

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Photographer or a Geek — or both?

Photographer or a Geek — or both?

I have gotten couple of times into a heated conver­sation lately about the role of a photo­grapher: should you only produce images and leave it at that — or should you also get involved into the presen­tation of your images. “You moron, you just compromise yourself as photo­grapher when you start hacking the code yourself…” is the argument I have … 

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Photoshelter revisited

Photoshelter revisited

It is obvious: if you are a photo­grapher, you have to show your work. You have to let people see what you have been doing lately. Or what you are capable of. Or you simply need to deliver images. Portfolios, websites, galleries… I have been using Photos­helter for several years now, but I have never tried to harness … 

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