Tag: future

The Original Sin of Photography

The Original Sin of Photography

(Origi­nally published in MEDIUM) No. It was not Photoshop, nor going digital. Not iPhone, nor touch devices in general. And it was no apple from a tree someone ate a long time ago. But there was a definite, decisive moment. It was the moment we turned the camera from the world into ourselves. When we lost the curiosity and … 

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Journalistin kolumnit

Journalistin kolumnit

Olen kirjoit­tanut Journa­listiin vakitui­sesti neljä vuotta. Alunperin pesti oli tarkoi­tettu vuoden mittai­seksi, mutta jostain syystä päätoi­mittaja ei ole puhal­tanut pilliin ja peliä poikki. Saa nähdä kauanko jatkuu vielä… Pohdin ‑jälleen kerran — mitä kirjoittaa seuraa­vassa kolum­nissani ja taas tuli mieleen, että olenkohan tuosta tai tuosta aiheesta puhunut jo riittämiin. Joten päätin kerätä yhteen kaikki tähän mennessä kirjoit­tamani. Jotta … 

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Digital Indie Publishing

Digital Indie Publishing

Some of you might have noticed the thing we did in DocImages couple of days ago. Well, if you didn’t, here’s a short recap. (And here is an article I wrote in Finnish in our blog) I am getting sick and tired of the ever tightening legacy print death spiral and especially frustrated with their total lack of … 

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Olympics, Day 11: The Reuters App

Olympics, Day 11: The Reuters App

It’s just an app. And yet, it is our future. Reuters has an interesting iPad app from these games. If you are not familiar with it and have an iPhone/iPad, I suggest you try it out (it’s free). Reuters has c. 50 photo­graphers in these games. Some photo­graphy legends (such as Kai Pfaffenbach) — and all of them … 

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Koulukiusaamista vai kolonialismia?

Koulukiusaamista vai kolonialismia?

(My second exception in the history of this blog: this is in Finnish — as I try to make my point very clear — and I’ve realized that there is a bit of a threshold with English). Koulu­kiusaa­mista vai kolonia­lismia? Ei kumpaakaan, mutta parempaa vertausta en keksi Sanoma Magazines Finlandin tavalle toimia. Isomman oikeu­della otetaan kaikki — vain siksi, … 

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Multimedia Production: DocImages

Multimedia Production: DocImages

Everybody reading this blog in the past knows where I stand when it comes to our future: I am strongly of the opinion that paper as a medium for daily news will slowly fade out (actually, not so slowly…) and the future is elsewhere. Let me just refer you to my last post — and leave it to that. Everything … 

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Copyright 101

Copyright 101

I was pretty pissed off when I wrote my previous post (maybe you could tell?) Writing a follow-up is not easy. Trying to stay calm. I can already see the commentary: “You are milking the subject, yester­day’s news, oh just quit whining, blah, blah, blah…” Yet, it needs to be done. I have read the commentary on my previous blogpost — plus the … 

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Shooting 360°x180° Images — from a Helicopter

Shooting 360°x180° Images — from a Helicopter

This is a small demo. Please note: this works (properly) only with HTML5 compliant browser — such as Safari on a Mac. It works on iPad2 (i.e. Mobile Safari) but it does NOT work with iPad 1st gen. nor iPhone (except — I was told — it does work with iPhone 4S) — due to non-optimized media and subsequently high processing load. Thats’ … 

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Stop the Press”

Stop the Press”

Or “Paino­koneet Seis — kerto­muksia uuden journa­lismin ajasta” it is called in Finnish. A very good book everybody working in the present media scene should read. Written by journalist Johanna Vehkoo during her two year leave of absence in Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in Oxford and published couple of months back (by Teos). Seriously, if … 

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