Tag: Web

Multimedia Workshop

Multimedia Workshop

I just finished an intensive of multi­media story­telling in Aalto last week. Doing it inten­sively (i.e. 6–8 hours close contact, every day) really wears you out. Trying to stay “fresh” yourself, i.e. not fall into routines, and all the time trying to find out what it is this time you really think students would appreciate and benefit … 

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Reality Check — like Now?

Reality Check — like Now?

( This post will be in Finnish — this is probably one time only exception in this blog, but it is because I am quoting and referencing Finnish material exten­sively.) Tänään aamulla maamme viral­lisena histo­rian­kir­joit­tajana pidetty Helsingin Sanomat julkaisi kolumnin Sytytä Kynttilä Reijolle. Ymmärrän kolumnin kirjoit­ta­misen taiteen­lajina — mutta kyseinen kirjoittaja Virpi Salmi meni nyt kaikkien … 

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Forget Photography — Screen Capture Rules

Forget Photography — Screen Capture Rules

(Just updated the small image gallery I’ve been keeping from here) Two nights ago, I go to cover the prize ceremony of the men’s X‑country 15km race here in Oslo. Matti Heikkinen is the first man to win this title in 12 years in Finland — so it’s big news back home. We are doing 11 pages … 

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2011: So You Want to Have Your Newspaper in the iPad?

2011: So You Want to Have Your Newspaper in the iPad?

(UPDATED; see end) Ge’ez, that’s original. So does everybody — so join the line. That’s no news. Wait! Take it again! Did you say you want you newsPAPER into the iPad or you NEWSpaper? Because: if you meant the latter, you might be into something. “It shouldn’t be about the device but about the infor­mation”, said Rob Curley … 

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Zoom H4n and H1

Zoom H4n and H1

No, this is not a test. Just a quick note on couple of small obser­va­tions which might be of interest to some. Been playing now with Zoom H1 for a while and it has immediately become de facto recorder for my work. For obvious reasons: extremely light weight and extremely simple to use. Amazing sound quality with the built in … 

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Clear Signs Where the Future will Not Be

Clear Signs Where the Future will Not Be

Postmo­dernism is a change-or-be-changed world. The word is out: Reinvent yourself for the 21st century or die. Some would rather die than change.” — Leonard Sweet, cultural historian — Lot’s of stuff happening in my small world. Seems sometimes so chaotic and endless — lots of the signs lately have been so negative — and I am not enjoying … 

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Deathwatch of our Daily Print

Deathwatch of our Daily Print

I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid… you’re afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin…” No, I have no misconcep­tions of being Neo… No, I am just looking, … 

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Wrapping Up Barcelona 2010 Experience

Wrapping Up Barcelona 2010 Experience

It’s been quite an experience. My two principal clients Iltalehti and Aamulehti jumped on the oppor­tunity of using the Livefeed from here and it has so far generated an audience of several thousand people. Commenting has been really scarce — but then again that’s Finland, it’s just not part of the culture to comment (unless …

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Livefeed from Barcelona: On the Air

Livefeed from Barcelona: On the Air

Last night I came to the hotel and opened a good bottle of wine. Felt like I’d earned it; exhausted but flying: everything just came together in the end. I was so happy. Fast trans­mission, no hickups really, workflow getting better and better, faster and faster. For instance; before I shot the image above (the winner of 100m dash … 

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