Levi 2008 — panoramic images

Levi 2008 — panoramic images

Skiing season is about to start. Pretty amazing, really, when you think about it. Went sailing last weekend, beautiful sunshine, you can still swim in the sea next to where we live…

Heading to at least Sölden (to see the opening of Giant Slalom WC) and Levi (the opening of Slalom WC). Levi organizers contacted me; they wanted to use the material I did for MTV3 last year over there on their own website. MTV3 granted permission for me to do it so it should be on their website any day now.

The panorama I origi­nally did for MTV3 is a combo of three 360°x180° images, with hotspots and a dedicated Kalle Palan­der’s narration to each image, handcoded in XML-driven flash. What I did for Levi WC 2009 webpage was to strip it bare (no narration, no hotspots, no fullscreen) and dropped the resolution down a lot so they could use it embedded — and refer to the original material on the MTV3-site for those who click on. Also added eight timers, each set to 8 seconds, so the images and opening angles vary sufficiently.

I’ll post the link when I see it’s out. (UPDATED 7.9.2009: it is out on the Official Levi WC website. See towards the end of the page).

Below is one of the images spread out. Shot at dusk, using HDR, as the combi­nation of natural and artificial light — and the white snow — does make it rather challenging an exposure.

Levin huippu vihjekuvaksi copy

(UPDATE: 18.11.2009:) MTV3 used the same address for feeding in my work from 2009 compe­tition; thus, the link on the Official Levi WC-site takes you to the new multi­media, vers. 2009. This version (2009) is much more sophis­ticated. See the post)

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